Tour de Laemmle 2016

Tour de Laemmle 2016


Tour de Laemmle 2016 will take place on Sunday, Augst 21st.  For more details and to register for FREE, please visit our official site at -


Tour de Laemmle - 2014 (Past Event)

Join Laemmle President GREG LAEMMLE on Tour de Laemmle, SATURDAY JUNE 21, as he cycles to all seven theater locations in L.A. County.

* ENTER-TO-WIN Greg's 2014 TERN ECLIPSE X20 Bicycle ($2200 retail).

* CELEBRATE with us as we officially open the new NOHO 7 BIKE CORRAL.

- Win the High-Perfomance TERN Eclipse X20!
- Win other Great Prizes like movie passes, concessions, and more.
- Open to everyone - you don't have to ride!
- No purchase necesssary.

RIDE WITH GREG  – Details & Registration
- Ride as many legs as you like or pedal the entire 124-mile circuit to ALL seven Laemmle venues.
- CLICK HERE for more details and sign-up.
- Scroll down for Route Overview.

- Saturday, June 21, 2014, 6:00am-7:30pm

- The first on-street bicycle parking in NoHo will be located right in front of our theatre!
- Join GREG LAEMMLE and L.A. City Councilman PAUL KREKORIAN as they open the corral.
- Saturday, June 21, 2014, 2:00pm
- 5240 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood - Map

- Celebrate the Tour by attending a free screening of a bicyle classic!
After the NoHo screening, attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony for our new BIKE CORRAL.
- Then, ride LEG #5 of the Tour (see below) with Greg and his familly!
Breaking Away
- Claremont 5 - Sat., June 21, 10:00am - RSVP NOW
Pee Wee's Big Adventure - NoHo 7 - Sat., June 21, 11:30am - RSVP NOW



Map: View Tour Map on MAP MY RIDE.

Route Slip: Download the offical Tour de Lemmle ROUTE SLIP - CLICK HERE!

Route Overview (by Greg Laemmle)

While not awash in obvious landmarks, the Tour de Laemmle takes you on a powerful cultural and historical journey through the heart of the L.A. region. First and foremost, you will get the opportunity to see how so many diverse LA County neighborhoods are connected.  El Serreno transitions to Alhambra which transitions to San Gabriel, and so forth.  Whether crossing the Arroyo Seco or the Sepulveda Pass, you'll also see how geographical features have shaped the city.  While riding on Huntington Drive or historic Route 66, you'll get to see how older roadways and railway right-of-way passages connected communities in the era before the modern interstate.  For early morning riders, you'll get to appreciate the beautiful buildings on Wilshire Boulevard as we traverse through mid-town.  And for those who join later in the day, you'll get to see how bike paths like the LA River bikeway and the Orange Line Bike Path can provide safe avenues of connectivity for those who choose to get around without a car.


LEG 1: 6:00am - Start at ROYAL THEATRE (West L.A.)

LEG 2: 6:15am - Depart from MUSIC HALL (Beverly Hills)

LEG 3: 10:00am - Depart from CLAREMONT 5 (Claremont)

LEG 4: 12:00pm - Depart from PLAYHOUSE 7 (Pasadena)

CEREMONY: 2:00pm - Ribbon-cutting ceremony for NOHO 7 Bike Corral (North Hollywood) with L.A. City Councilman PAUL KREKORIAN

LEG 5: 2:30pm - Depart from NoHo 7

LEG 6: 4:00pm - Depart from TOWN CENTER 5 (Encino)

LEG 7: 6:15pm - Depart from MONICA FILM CENTRE (Santa Monica)

ARRIVAL: 6:45pm - Arrive back at ROYAL THEATRE

END: 7:00pm - Official close of Tour

Greg Laemmle in front of the Royal Theatre